Wednesday, August 5, 2015

My Life After Long Distance: Is there Happily Ever After?

February 8, 2014

It's been awhile since I write on my Blog. So here I am again, saying helloo to the world of Blog and I am writing an interesting topic that I've also been through. The majority of people who are in a long-distance relationship want to know the ultimate secrets of how to survive the distance. There are so many advices from friends, family etc. You also come across many blog posts and YouTube videos from long-distance couples giving advice on how to make a long-distance relationship work. Yes. It is hard. We all work toward the same goal, to get rid of the distance. However, no one ever discusses what happens after you conquer long distance. Is it truly happily ever after? 

I was in a long-distance relationship with my now-husband between the USA and PHILIPPINES for a year and half. For over year, we endured months apart, months of endless texts, phone calls, emails and Skype sessions. We had fights and tears during our time apart and rejoiced at being reunited, only to be shortly ripped apart. We always kept in mind that ultimately it would all be worth it, as one day we would no longer have to endure the miles apart. We first attempted to end the distance in 2013, when we applied my FIANCEE VISA to live with my Fiance.  After waiting for months and months proccessing my fiance Visa, 6months of waiting, proccessing, interview, we finally got the best news we had been waiting for My FIANCE visa had been successful and approved! 

"Good riddance" to long distance, to plane rides and having to accept a mere few weeks together. Now we wouldn't have to sleep alone or not hear from one another due to the time difference. This time, when i came to the US, I would not be leaving. For once we got to be together for the amazing and mundane moments of life both our birthdays, Christmas, Newyears and Valentine's Day and travel together. February 8, 2014, we are finally married! From long distance relationship to married couple. I am very proud to say that we survived!

Life has truly never been better, but that is not to say that it is a seamless transition from the torture of long distance to forever-happy days. While we couldn't wait to see the end of the distance, there are things we didn't even realize we were going to miss: the ability to leave your life as you know it and be submersed in a different culture, the longing for one another and the butterflies leading up to the days of finally being together, a feeling like no other! the excitement in the hours leading up to being reunited, like nothing else. You can say goodbye to Skype and finally touch for the first time in ages. 

Finally, embarking on our lives together was a completely surreal feeling! Doing long distance has made us appreciate all the little things in life, from grocery shopping, etc and to waking up next to one another in bed. Yet it still felt like this was too good to be true, that we couldn't just live a life like every other couple. we cannot go a day without being by each other's side. We have not had a single day or night apart! One thing we know for sure is that it was all worth it. We no longer have to count down our time apart unless you count the hours at work, which, yes, I do. It's perfectly normal for culture shock to occur when one world is given up for another. What is important is that we make it through together. We wouldn't swap anything in the world for our lives right now. We get to make each other get out of bed at the crack of dawn for his work, I make him lunch/dinner everyday, and I get to hug and kiss him goodbye before he start his day. We plan to grow old together and to never be apart again. This is the life we all dream of. This is the happily ever after. Don't give up in long distance relationship but instead cherish everything and you will both survive the love distance. Yes, It's worth It!!

Link: Fiance Visa Interview Experienced (Philippine Embassy)

We got hitched!!

1 Corinthians 13:4–8a
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails ...


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