Monday, January 7, 2013

Happiness Is.... My life

I think Jason Mraz says this best in his song, "Living in the Moment" off his latest album Love is a Four Letter Word.  His music inspires me.  He's one of those people with a positive soul, who has so much success, yet remains humble and human. I love all his music!  "Living in the Moment" is a positive affirmation for everyone who listens.  So, turn it up, download it, watch the video below, sing it, mean it, and 
remember the lyrics. Enjoy!<3

Happiness Is...

Yayy I love holding hands. The Interlocking of fingers, the cupping of two palms...In fact, you may not know it, but you do too. It's all about our intrinsic desire to touch and be touched. Scientifically speaking, (whoa bet you didn't think I'd pull that out! :-) Well for me holding hands reduces stress, as the simple touch produces oxytocin in your brain.  Don't you ever wonder why you naturally reach for someone's hand when you are scared, nervous, sad, or in love?  Whatever the reason, holding hands is simply, a connection.  And in a way, I think it is a gesture that makes us extraordinarily human, when you really think about it. :)
So, if your hand doesn't naturally gravitate towards someone else today, simply stretch out your arm, extend your hand, and say to a friend, "Hey, will you hold this for me?"  I know I do that to my Fiance, and lucky for me, he always does and her arms around me. What a good feeling!<3

Happiness Is.... not taking yourself too seriously! <3

Happiness Is.. My Family

We don’t have much materially, but I know we are full of love and happiness. They are my true meaning of happiness. Seeing them healthy and happy makes me feel stronger each day. I so love them that I would fight to anyone just to let them safe all the time. They are my greatest gift from God! and I will treasure them unto my last breath.

Happiness Is.. Friends

For me, money is not relevant. It's about good friends, good family and health. It's being grateful and content with your lot. Happiness is more a frame of mind, I think.

Good close friends, being in control of my life, laughter and love. All those are real, and give me a lasting happiness that handbags don't – and can't – give.

Happiness Is.. loving my doggies.. It's just a little extra wag!

we live to love and encourage to give more!! we live to give and to love more  and more. :-)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Running On Happiness

My Life has cruel twists and turns, But somewhere along the road, I finally found a bit of happiness. I did and I'm supposing you did too. I know at the time that didn't seem possible, 
I never thought it possible, I am crying in the rain & walking away, Cruel destiny standing between us, pushing us apart. You found someone else, and so did I, You found a bit of happiness I'm sure. And somewhere along Life's road, so did I. Nothing is perfect in this imperfect world. Yet nobody leads a perfect life, Though there are those that aspire to that but it is left to us, to suffer a bit, to cry a bit, before we find, a bit of happiness & I am so grateful and glad that I finally found It.

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Every great love story begins somewhere...

Every great love story begins somewhere.......
My Happy Ever After...

And when you think about it, most love stories start that way.  But our love story is the very different one. Every moment leading up to the one in which you meet your future husband or wife somehow shapes you and prepares you for that person you were fated for. Any previous heartbreaks or dark days or lonely nights can be crucially important in the grand scheme of things. Sometimes we need to know what something feels like when it’s wrong before we can ever really know it when another thing is RIGHT. 

We're miles and miles apart but when we finally together again it's all
Actiolly, we are now In a Long Distance Relationship. Things haven’t always been super easy, living away from each other is very hard and a test for us. It takes a lot more work than a normal relationship. It will test your love (not the feelings of love, but the commitment of love) for each other. You need a lot of trust, commitment, and faith in each other. I just also learned that since you are in long distance it isn't a good idea to argue about the stupid things. :-) But anyway, Above all else, the single most important thing for my Long Distance Relationship was our faith in God to see us through the tough times. There is always hope when there is God and we both have looked to him for strength. I also have learned to listen to my heart.  I have learned that if you never make room for better things and better ways to be, if you never clear out the things in your life that stand in the way of your happiness, then you are not aligning your universe to allow for amazing things.   In this life, you don’t find yourself.  You create yourself.  And the same goes for love, you don’t find love, you create a road for love to travel and wait for it to come. I am so glad and very blessed that I finally found my love of my life.

So, I just made a Video slideshows, Its actually a compilations of our few photos together. :)

We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness—and call it love—true love.
Love can ignore distance
and grow more intimate with sharing

New year, New Me 2013

Well, another year has come and gone.  Reflecting on it all, I think 2012 was a year of personal growth.  This year, has had some immense highs and some low, lows.   In 2012, I lost and found myself.  I've experienced some indescribable moments.  I've experienced change.  And I've experienced heartache and pains.  But all of these experiences have allowed me to really look into my heart, search deep, find meaning, and figure out exactly what I want out of life.   The only resolution I write, is to live life the way I am meant to.  I know the rest will follow.

Welcome 2013! ;)

A newyear time with my Ramos Family @Versailles Pallace

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